Tips for good record-keeping for your child’s NDIS plan

NDIS participants self-managing their plan are required to keep receipts and invoices for five years.
The NDIA undertake random audits, and you must have this paperwork as evidence that funds are being spent and managed correctly.
We asked families to share their top tips for keeping good records.
Use a diary
Write the service type, amount and payment details under the relevant date and file the receipts in a separate envelope for each month. You can also download diary or calendar template online and print.
Create a spreadsheet
Create a table to track the important information such as service type, amount, date paid, claim received. You can have a separate spreadsheet for capacity building supports and consumables.
Buy an account ledger book
Many families find it easier to keep track of their services and expenses without the use of technology. An account ledger is the perfect solution – it is a book that allows you to record transactions. This book is set up with rows and columns to record important information such as service dates, types, amount, etc. You can also download free templates to print.
Setup a document management system
You can create folders on your computer or a cloud-based server such as dropbox or google drive. Create a folder for each NDIS plan. In the folder create sub-folder the different services such as speech and OT. Save all of your invoice, reports, resources and other information into the folders.
Use a file naming convention
To make it easier to locate documents use a consistent file naming system. For example, label files ‘2020.06.03 – Receipt – OT’ This will keep files in date order which tends to make things easier to find. Also, handy to use the same system for reports, e.g., 2020.02.01 – Report – Physio.
Record reason for purchase
If you think you might forget, or if it’s something you think you may be questioned about, make a note of your reasoning. Much easier now than thinking back in 3-4 years time! Some things are straight forward and don’t need a note.
Scan paper receipts
Use a scanner or download a free app. iPhones have a built-in scanner in ‘notes’ and for Samsung devices it’s in the camera settings. This is helpful for shop receipts as they can fade over time.
Record details in NDIS Portal
Keeping records just got a lot easier. There is now a description box in the NDIS portal where you add your claims. By noting the provider or service type in the description box can make it easier to pair up with a receipt with the claim reference. This is especially helpful for families who see multiple therapists who charge the same rate.
Setup a seperate email address
Providers can email receipts and information directly to this email. Or better still, forward emails yourself and reference the claim number or service type and date in the subject line. That way you can search for receipts easily if audited.
Save from your email to folders
Most email accounts allow you to save an attachment from the email to a linked folder. For example, if using Gmail, click on the attachment and choose to save it directly to google drive. Or if using Outlook right click on an attachment, select ‘save as’ and then choose the location.
Setup email folders
You can create email folders in your everyday email account or NDIS specific email account to file all of your NDIS documentation. Start with a new folder for each NDIS plan. Create folders for the different service types, such as speech and OT, and the create sub folders within for invoices, reports, resources and any other important info.
Track invoices and claims in email folders
You could also use the email folders as a way to track when you have paid an invoice and received the payment from NDIA, for example, setup folders for invoices to be paid, invoices paid, claim submitted and claim received. Then move the emails through the different folders as you go through the steps.