The Good Life: Update from Tom

About 3 years ago, I started collecting bottles and cans from around my neighbourhood. In the beginning, I loved being able to get to know my neighbours and make friends while earning a bit of pocket money. Today that idea has turned into my very own business @10centtom . ⁠

I collect 10 cent cans and bottles around the Gold Coast from homes, businesses and events. My mum and I drop-off and pick-up 10 Cent Tom wheelie bins all throughout the Gold Coast and we plan to expand to Brisbane in the near future.⁠

My job makes me so happy. I love getting up every day and collecting bottles and cans. Every one counts towards my goal of opening my own 10 Cent Tom Recycling Depot to employ other people like me with a disability.⁠

My biggest strength is my personality and can-do attitude. I love a good laugh and also a good chat, so having these traits has opened many doors and opportunities for me. The quote I live by is, “You Can Do It!”. My advice to other young people is If you have an interest in something, put your mind to work, think about how it could be your job.⁠

My mum always said to me and my older brother that we are in charge of our own destiny and we have choices. She has always supported me and encouraged me. That’s helped me get where I am today. ⁠

♻️Tom Pirie is a business owner, social entrepreneur and recycling advocate. You can follow more of Tom’s good life at @10centtom

In our social media series #StoriesOfTheGoodLife we explore what a good life means for people with disability. People from all walks of life, living rich, full and meaningful lives on their own terms.

Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.    


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