Finding Your Way: A practical guide for the early days of your child’s disability, delay or autism diagnosis.
Receiving a diagnosis for your child, exploring one, or waiting for the right diagnosis can be overwhelming. There’s a lot…

Sharing the diagnosis: 3 different stories from our families
The journey of seeking, getting and sharing a diagnosis is unique to your family. We will all approach it…

What to expect when things are unexpected
Diagnosis. It’s a life-changing word that no one expects to hear. When it’s not part of your immediate world, it can feel like a foreign thing that only happens to other people. In this blog, Bethany shares what she wished she’d known at the start.

Things I have learnt from my son
The first few moments were breathtaking. The first few hours were intense. The first few days were long. The first…

How Peer Support Can Benefit Your Family
One of the most important things to realise early on in your journey? No journey needs to be travelled alone….

Writing your Child’s Medical History
As parents of children with disability, developmental delay or medical needs, you may find yourself going to medical appointments…

6 Things Every Family Should Have in Their Toolkit
There are so many different types of support available when you are raising a child with disability. From specialists and…

Family-centred practice: Family perspectives
Family-Centred practice is a set of values, skills, behaviours and knowledge that recognises the central role of families in children’s…

Becoming a Healthy Mother
Being a mum of a child with disability is full of unknowns. The baby books may give us some idea…